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Bug #5096 SOAP container fix to wsdl work
Submitted: 2005-08-15 07:18 UTC
From: lvm99 at mail dot ru Assigned: aashley
Status: Closed Package: Auth
PHP Version: 4.3.11 OS: Win/linux
Roadmaps: 1.6.2    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 29 - 27 = ?

 [2005-08-15 07:18 UTC] lvm99 at mail dot ru
Description: ------------ new SOAP.php extension uses associative array when have wsdl description(See pear\SOAP\Client.php 511) Please fix following lines in Container/SOAP.php to something like this // assign username and password fields $usernameField = new SOAP_Value($this->_options['usernamefield'],'string', $username); $passwordField = new SOAP_Value($this->_options['passwordfield'],'string', $password); $SOAPParams = array($this->_options['usernamefield']=>$usernameField, $this->_options['passwordfield']=>$passwordField); // assign optional features foreach ($this->_features as $fieldName => $fieldValue) { $SOAPParams[$fieldName] = new SOAP_Value($fieldName, 'string', $fieldValue); } Test script: --------------- $options = array('endpoint'=>'someurl/soap/?wsdl', 'namespace'=>'urn:WeEnServer', 'method' =>'CheckUser', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'usernamefield' => 'login', 'passwordfield' => 'password', 'matchpasswords' => false); $auth = new Auth(sys_auth_type, $options, "loginFunction"); Expected result: ---------------- SOAP::true or SOAP::false Actual result: -------------- SOAP_Fault with message from Client.php line 511 "The named parameter $name is not in the call parameters."


 [2006-02-21 05:17 UTC] aashley at php dot net
From my experience using the PEAR SOAP Client the current code in Auth should work correctly. Could you please test with the latest version of Auth from CVS and if the problem still exists provide a fuller example that causes the problem to exist, including access to a SOAP server/wsdl that is causing the problem.
 [2006-02-21 05:17 UTC] aashley at php dot net
Thank you for taking the time to report a problem with the package. This problem may have been already fixed by a previous change that is in the CVS of the package. Please log into CVS with: cvs -d login and check out the CVS repository of this package and upgrade cvs -d co pear/Auth pear upgrade pear/Auth/package2.xml or pear upgrade pear/Auth/package.xml If you are able to reproduce the bug with the latest CVS, please change the status back to "Open". Again, thank you for your continued support of PEAR.
 [2006-12-06 01:02 UTC] aashley at php dot net (Adam Ashley)
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem. If this is not the case and you are able to provide the information that was requested earlier, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.