Top Level :: System

Package Information: System_SharedMemory

This package is not maintained, if you would like to take over please go to this page.
» Summary » License
common OO-style shared memory API PHP License
» Current Release » Bug Summary
0.9.0RC1 (beta) was released on 2006-01-10 by bolk (Changelog)
Easy Install

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pear install System_SharedMemory

  • Package Maintenance Rank: 216 of 225 packages with open bugs
  • Number of open bugs: 1 (1 total bugs)
  • Average age of open bugs: 6233 days
  • Oldest open bug: 6233 days

Report a new bug to System_SharedMemory
» Description
OO-style shared memory API for several shared memory engines
» Maintainers » More Information

Dependencies for System_SharedMemory