This class provides an object oriented interface to GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).
It requires the gpg(1) executable to be present on the system. Currently the following GPG operations are supported:
package structure:
- changed class name to Crypt_GPG
- moved helper classes into the Crypt/GPG subdirectory
- use PEAR naming conventions for class names
- all documentation has been moved inside php files
- class and package header docblocks are up to standard
- all methods and properties have docblocks
- use instead of in examples
- return an array of objects from the listKeys() method instead of an array of strings
- sign() and clearsign() methods have been merged into one method called sign()
- added armor parameter to encrypt() method
- better test file
- licensed all files under the LGPL 2.1
coding standards:
- private method and variable names
- tabs to spaces
- spacing around operators
- brace style
- string quoting
- line length
- declared all properties