Generate textual time differences that are easily understandable by humans.
The class supports minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.
Some translations are provided, own ones can be supplied.
- 5 seconds ago -> `just now`
- 65 seconds ago -> `a minute ago`
- 120 seconds ago -> `2 minutes ago`
- `a week ago`
- `3 weeks ago`
- `a month ago`
- `8 months ago`
- `a year ago`
- `5 years ago`
If those formats are not enough, you can define your own ones, e.g. for "< 10 seconds".
require_once 'Date/HumanDiff.php';
$dh = new Date_HumanDiff();
echo $dh->get(time() - 3600);//shows "an hour ago"
require_once 'Date/HumanDiff.php';
$dh = new Date_HumanDiff();
//alternatively, you may pass in a locale:
// $dh->setLanguage('de_AT');//falls back to the "de" language
echo $dh->get(time() - 60 * 5) . "\n"; //shows "vor 5 Minuten"